Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Trip to North Carolina

Sarah, Sharon and I at NC shower

Last thursday (9/18) I flew down to Durham to visit my sister in law, Sarah. While I did not think that flying would be a piece of cake while pregnant, i certainly had no idea that it would take so much out of me either! All of that walking to get to terminals and sitting in uncomfortable seating totally beat me down. By the time i got to NC i was pooped and had to take a nap (sorry, sarah!). After I was refreshed, we had a wonderful time playing with my new nieces, two precious little black and white kittens; having burgers and shakes for dinner and then watching a girlie movie. The next day my mother in law, Sharon, arrived and we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then went shopping at A Southern Season. I was supposed to hang out with a couple of my old coworkers, Ashleigh and Carol, that evening but our plans fell through when they hadn't arrived into town by 9:30 pm. Apparently they had decided to be adventurous and drove some back roads to get to Durham.

On Saturday, I had an awesome time catching up with Ashleigh and Carol over breakfast and the babies certainly approved of the yummy french toast. Then it was time to get ready for my first baby shower. Sarah and Sharon worked so hard to make sure that everything was absolutely perfect and it certainly was :) The food was delicious and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It was so special to me to have friends from south carolina make the 4+ hour drive just to come celebrate with me. We played the "guess how big meg's belly is" game (see pics- 24 weeks) and pictionary with our eyes closed which was helarious. The babies received a bunch of adorable and useful gifts. Oh and sarah is making a scrapbook of the event so i'll have all of the special memories to look at in the middle of the night when i am sleep deprived and ready to pull my hair out!

When I flew home, i had to go to philly first and had an adventure of my own at that airport. I landed in terminal A and had to walk to terminal F. Thankfully I had close to 3 hours to complete this treck because it certainly felt like I was climbing Mt. Everest. I feel so out of shape these days and I hate getting out of breath just walking but i guess these extra 25 lbs are weighing me down.

Let's see...what else? Unfortunately the babies did not cooperate so that sarah could feel them kicking but she did notice my lopsided belly from time to time. It is very strange to think that the next time i see her I will no longer be pregnant and will be a mommy of twins. Very exciting and scary...

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