Tuesday, September 30, 2008

26 Weeks Down...10-12 To Go...

Our precious little sweet peas are no longer that little. They are definitely kicking with much more force these days and they're demanding food like they have been deprived for weeks. Yesterday i was trying to list off all that i had eaten to Andy and he busted out laughing. I keep telling myself that i must be doing something right (as i'm shoving food down my throat) because both of the babies are growing well. Andy has been amazed at our grocery bills and how these babies are already costing us so much money. Just wait until the diaper receipts start coming his way...

I was reading in one of my multiples books that we should expect to go through about 600 diapers a month. Now THAT makes for a lot of dirty diapers! The author also said that when people ask us what we need to not hesitate and reply with: "We can always use diapers or gift cards to Target, Walmart, or Diapers.com to purchase diapers".

Baby Care 101-- check!

Well...on Saturday (9/27) we took a baby care class at the Healthy You Center. There were about 6 other couples including one who is adopting and a set of eager grandparents (how cute is that?). We were the only ones having multiples but most of the info still applied to us. It was rather scary to see it written out that the average baby cries for 1-2 hours per day. Does that mean that we want them to cry at the same time or spread all of the crying out? who knows? We learned how to take the babies temps, care for the umbilical cords and circumcision, swaddle the babies, shhhing techniques and more. We also got to ask a pediatrician and new parents of a 7 week old our burning questions. The funniest part was when we were handed our two little plastic bundles of joy and i had the opportunity to try to figure out breastfeeding logistics and whatnot. I never thought doll babies would be so useful but with them i figured out how to hold the babies while breastfeeding and how to burp one while the other feeds. We certainly are doing our best to prepare for this wild adventure!!!!

What's the one thing that makes this pregnant lady cry?

Andy will tell you that my hormones haven't been getting the best of me during my pregnancy. At least he claims that he agrees with that statement. heh. Anyway...i have been very surprised that with all of these extra twin pregnancy hormones i haven't been a weepy mess but up until now i haven't been too crazy.

Believe it or not the answer is: The Biggest Loser. Yup, every time i watch the show i end up with tears streaming down my face. Kinda funny....huh?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

24/25 Week Update

Check out the 24 week pic and and nursery progress...

I hit the 25 weeks mark on Monday (9/22/08 lower pics) which meant another round of OB and specialist appointments. When I met with the OB I found out that i had gained another 5 lbs in the span of 2 weeks (whoo hoo!) and that i'm measuring 33 weeks along. The doctor told me that I'm in a critical window right now and that it is very important to take things easy so I can avoid pre term labor.

Then yesterday Andy and I went to see the specialist for a growth check. They do this by taking measurements of the babies heads, stomachs, leg bones etc. using the ultrasound and then plugging them into a formula of some sort. Watching the babies move around is so special. I would watch them all day long if i didn't have to lye on my back while doing so, which is very uncomfortable these days. They certainly are looking like babies these days. We even got to see the little girl blink her eyes and both of them open and close their mouths. Our little boy put his hand up to the membrane like he was waving at us and giving us a peace sign while we were checking out his sister. How cute! They are still positioned the same- Baby A (boy) is head down and Baby B (girl) is breech but the doctors say that she very easily could turn around as we get further along. So...are you ready for their measurements??? Both babies weigh 1 lb, 10 oz. which puts them in the 40th and the 43rd percentiles. According to the doctor this is perfect for twins. It felt so good to hear that they were doing well and that all of my hard work eating and resting had paid off so far :) Only 10-13 more weeks to go...

My Trip to North Carolina

Sarah, Sharon and I at NC shower

Last thursday (9/18) I flew down to Durham to visit my sister in law, Sarah. While I did not think that flying would be a piece of cake while pregnant, i certainly had no idea that it would take so much out of me either! All of that walking to get to terminals and sitting in uncomfortable seating totally beat me down. By the time i got to NC i was pooped and had to take a nap (sorry, sarah!). After I was refreshed, we had a wonderful time playing with my new nieces, two precious little black and white kittens; having burgers and shakes for dinner and then watching a girlie movie. The next day my mother in law, Sharon, arrived and we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then went shopping at A Southern Season. I was supposed to hang out with a couple of my old coworkers, Ashleigh and Carol, that evening but our plans fell through when they hadn't arrived into town by 9:30 pm. Apparently they had decided to be adventurous and drove some back roads to get to Durham.

On Saturday, I had an awesome time catching up with Ashleigh and Carol over breakfast and the babies certainly approved of the yummy french toast. Then it was time to get ready for my first baby shower. Sarah and Sharon worked so hard to make sure that everything was absolutely perfect and it certainly was :) The food was delicious and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. It was so special to me to have friends from south carolina make the 4+ hour drive just to come celebrate with me. We played the "guess how big meg's belly is" game (see pics- 24 weeks) and pictionary with our eyes closed which was helarious. The babies received a bunch of adorable and useful gifts. Oh and sarah is making a scrapbook of the event so i'll have all of the special memories to look at in the middle of the night when i am sleep deprived and ready to pull my hair out!

When I flew home, i had to go to philly first and had an adventure of my own at that airport. I landed in terminal A and had to walk to terminal F. Thankfully I had close to 3 hours to complete this treck because it certainly felt like I was climbing Mt. Everest. I feel so out of shape these days and I hate getting out of breath just walking but i guess these extra 25 lbs are weighing me down.

Let's see...what else? Unfortunately the babies did not cooperate so that sarah could feel them kicking but she did notice my lopsided belly from time to time. It is very strange to think that the next time i see her I will no longer be pregnant and will be a mommy of twins. Very exciting and scary...

Monday, September 15, 2008

I've joined MOM's

A week ago (9/9/08), Roxanne (triplet mom) and i went to our first Mothers of Multiples meeting. We met all kinds of sleep deprived mothers including one brave soal who had 5 week old triplets! I have no idea how she even remembered what day it was let alone made it out of the house but somehow she did. I chatted with a few mothers of twins and asked them a laundry list of questions. I definitely plan to go to the next meeting and when the kids get older they have lots of fun family activities like apple picking, hay rides, halloween parties etc. I think it is finally sinking in that i am going to be a mother of multiples and that i'm going to feel like a freak show when i go out into public with my two little bundles of joy.

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Look, Mommy!"

This morning i went to take the last section of my Praxis test. When i walked through the door, a little girl said very loudly: "Look, Mommy!". How was i supposed to know that she was pointing at and talking about me? I was looking all around to see what she was so excited about until i heard her mother say: "yes, dear, she has a baby in her belly". I suppose i better get used to being on display because i recently read in one of my twin books that MOM's need to allow for extra time when going to the store because people will want to gawk and talk to us about the twins. I guess taking two babies to the store can't be done in a timely fashion anyway...right?

In other news, over the weekend we started painting the nursery. We finished the three solid walls and plan to work on the accent square wall next weekend. Oh and we're going to pick up the furniture next Sunday too. I think i will feel much better once their room is put together. On second thought, i'll probably find something else to worry about. heh.

In fun news, our little boy has finally discovered that he too can kick mommy's belly with great strength. He has been kicking up a storm! We realized this weekend that we can now see my belly move when he kicks. I remember watching Erienne kick moms' belly when i was little :) Our little princess is still kicking often but because she is positioned so low it is more difficult to see my belly move when she kicks.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm Measuring How Many Weeks?

29 weeks! Yup, it is true!

So today i went to the OB and found out that i gained 5 lbs in the last two weeks and that I am measuring 29 weeks. I guess that means these babies are growing like weeds! I also had an u/s and a c. check. The tech was nice enough to triple check the sexes of the babies and we definitely have a boy and a girl. The little boy is still baby A and is located on my left side head down. He was chilling out during the u/s and had a heart rate of 138. He kicks me every once in a while up by my belly button. Our little girl is baby B and is still breech. Her heart rate was 150 and her little legs extend all the way across the lowest part of my belly. She kicks all day and all night! The doctor seemed thrilled with the results of my c. check and said that it was long and closed. That means they won't check it again until i notice something different going on.

Craigslist score of the week = a bag of newborn- 9 mo baby boy clothes for FREE!!! In a close second place was a deluxe pack and play in perfect condition for the low price of $30.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

22 Week Update...

The SC crew (Beau, Sam & Andy) aka Professional Turkey Fryers
Tab, Caroline and I

We made it to 22 weeks and i'm still able to move around. whoo hoo!!! These last few days, though, i have definitely started to feel a little uncomfortable. My lower back is starting to take the hit of carrying around the extra weight and my feet are hurting and have been a little swollen. One funny development is that i have almost popped. Yup, my belly button is 3/4 of the way popped but that last section is still holding on for dear life!

We had an extremely busy Labor Day Weekend. On Saturday evening we went to an Air Products get together. Then Sunday we had some of our college friends (Dave, Deb, Eileen, Rishi) and USC friends (Beau, Caroline, Sam, Tab) over for a turkey fry- see pics above of the gang. The food was delicious but i'm thinking that the highlight of the party was the game of Guesstures. Leave it to Rishi to head up a game of Guesstures! He did a wonderful impression of a see-saw and Beau rocked when he acted out quadruplets. It felt great to hang out with everyone! I absolutely am loving living closer to friends and family and I hope that once the babies come we will still be able to hang out on a regular basis. Finally, yesterday (monday), Andy and i took advantage of the sale at Sherwin Williams to purchase the paint for the nursery and our dining room. We are determined to be productive in the next few weeks before I start to slow down!

Looking back on all of the Labor Day Weekend excitement, I am thinking that being on my feet more than usual may have contributed to my back and foot issues so i have my fingers crossed that once i get some rest today and tomorrow that i'll feel a little better :)

Hello! My name is Meghann

and I am a CRAIGSLIST addict!!!!

Ever since we started the baby registries i have felt guilty asking for so much stuff for these babies. So...last week i started looking around on craigslist for some baby bargains and boy, have i had some good luck! Here is what i have scored so far:

1 bumbo seat with tray orginally $50 ---> $25
1 new jumparoo originally $70 --> $7
1 baby gate originally $60 --> $10
100 newborn diapers in exchange for $13 of formula checks that expire in october and $2 :)

Did i mention how nice it felt to remove these items from the registries?

I wonder what kinds of bargains i will be able to get this week...

Cottage cheese..Are you kidding me?

So i finally got an appointment last week ( ) with the nutritionist. She was very sweet and actually had boy/girl twins about 9 years ago. She read my food diary, answered a few questions and offered a few foods for me to add to my diet. Then she basically told me that I was doing everything right for these babies and that i should keep up the good work!

Today i tried to psych myself up to eat the cottage cheese that she recommended but i have to say that i still think it is yucky. You hear that, babies?!? Mommy is going to eat this stuff just for you two so that you can grow big and strong and stay in there until at least 36 weeks!