Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby Care 101-- check!

Well...on Saturday (9/27) we took a baby care class at the Healthy You Center. There were about 6 other couples including one who is adopting and a set of eager grandparents (how cute is that?). We were the only ones having multiples but most of the info still applied to us. It was rather scary to see it written out that the average baby cries for 1-2 hours per day. Does that mean that we want them to cry at the same time or spread all of the crying out? who knows? We learned how to take the babies temps, care for the umbilical cords and circumcision, swaddle the babies, shhhing techniques and more. We also got to ask a pediatrician and new parents of a 7 week old our burning questions. The funniest part was when we were handed our two little plastic bundles of joy and i had the opportunity to try to figure out breastfeeding logistics and whatnot. I never thought doll babies would be so useful but with them i figured out how to hold the babies while breastfeeding and how to burp one while the other feeds. We certainly are doing our best to prepare for this wild adventure!!!!

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