Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nursery Furniture...CHECK

Last night we ventured back to Babies R Us to purchase the nursery furniture for our little ones. I was a little confused about which coupons we could use on top of the sales and multiples discounts so i decided to call the store ahead of time to figure it out. I spoke with a manager and she said that she would be happy to meet with Andy and i and to help us to get the best deal. Boy, did we ever get some good deals! You know how i love a good bargain so check these out:

Cribs- originally $450 each --> $283 each
Combo/Changer- originally $550 --> $395
5 Drawer Dresser- originally $500 --> $360
Mattresses- orginally $90 each --> $58 each

We are thrilled with our purchases and can't wait to get the nursery put together over the next few weeks :)

The Dreaded 3 Hour GD Test...

So i fasted on monday night and was at the lab at 6:50 on tuesday morning so as to beat the old folks. I was third in line and luckily only had to wait about 30 minutes to be helped. First, they took my blood and then gave me a different drink than last time. This one had twice the amount of sugar it it. It was red and definitely had a kick to it. Later i realized that it had turned my lips bright red too. BLECH! The first hour was very rough especially because they did not have anywhere for me to lie down and i was feeling very sick. They had me put my feet up on another chair in the lobby and gave me cold compresses. After they took my blood that time, they told me that i could go outside and get some fresh air. That definitely helped me get through the last two hours. So one finger prick and 4 viles of blood later i was finished :)

The nurse called later in the day to tell me the results and that i had passed with flying colors. whoo hoo!!!! Too bad i'll have to do the screening test again at 28 weeks. I can handle it. Just please, please, please don't make me do the 3 hour one again!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We're having a boy and WHAT?!?

Yesterday andy, mom and i went to the MFM specialist to have the big u/s done. Everything was going well until the tech said: "What did they say you were having?". I looked at her and said: "A boy and a girl but there are two boys in there, aren't there?". She said: "Yes!". We were all completely shocked! I started thinking about all of the girlie items that we had just added to our registries. Mom was worried about the girl clothes that we had bought. Andy was rather quiet. The ironic part was that at lunch a few hours earlier i had told mom that i was worried that at our last u/s the tech may not have seen the boy parts and i had a feeling that they were going to tell me that the little girl was really a boy. Everything ended well a few minutes later when the tech apologized profusely and told us that the baby was indeed a little girl AND later the specialist said that she was indeed a she.

The exam took about 45 minutes for each baby. WE all had a difficult time seeing all of the parts once she zoomed the camera in but we did see everything from femur bones to hearts to noses. It was really cool and amazing! Our little girl is still on my right side and is breech. She is the one who has been kicking me very low. Baby A, our little boy is on my left side and is positioned head down. He has been kicking me around my belly button the last few days.

Then the doctor came in and told us that everything was perfect. He said that our babies were doing well and were in the 38th percentile for weight which was great. When he took a look for himself he informed us that our little girl loved the camera and was practically posing whereas our little boy kept moving away and putting his hand up so as to say: "leave me alone!".

I go back to the specialist in 4 weeks for an u/s and growth check. Keep growing little ones! Keep growing!!!!

20 Week OB Appointment and Babymoon

The mommy and daddy-to-be chilling down the shore

Last Friday (8/22/08) i went to the OB and found out that i failed the GD test by 2 points which means that i now have to go for the 3 hour test. uggh. We're keeping our fingers crossed that i will pass it because otherwise i will have to give up my boost protein shakes and i believe they have helped me to gain a lot of my weight over the last few weeks.

The OB said that i'm measuring 26 weeks (see pics above) which is perfect considering i should measure 6 weeks ahead with twins. He also said: "um...if you have anything that you want to get done you need to do it in the next few weeks before you get very uncomfortable". Hey, at least he is honest! He found both babies heart rates easily and said that our little girl's is in the 140 range and the boy is around 150.

According to the scale at the doctor's office, i gained another 6 lbs this month. whoo hoo!!! The nurse chuckled when i got excited about the number. heh.

The only other news from my appointment is that I now get the joy of going to the OB every 2 weeks. Fun, fun!

After my appointment we headed down to Sea Isle for a little Babymoon. It was nice to visit with Aunt Terrie and Uncle Milt. I didn't have much energy but we did manage to relax on the beach and make our rounds to some yummy restaurants. It is so strange to think that the next time we're down the shore we will have two little ones with us.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh no!

I bought more baby clothes! Once again i was looking for preemie clothes and ended up with outfits for next summer. In my defense i got three outfits at Kohls for the low price of $10 total. Oh well...i suppose i'll purchase preemie outfits one of these days...right?

Today i also had to take my gestational diabetes test which consisted of drinking this nasty orange drink in 5 minutes and then waiting around to have my blood taken after about an hour. So i sat with all of the old people and waited...and waited.. I enjoyed my time, though, because our little boy was kicking away. I always thought the babies would be active around the same time of day but it almost seems as if they are on completely opposite schedules. Fingers crossed that we can get them on a similar schedule once they are born. heh.

Monday, August 18, 2008

20 Weeks and BRU Adventure

20 weeks today! Whoo hoo!!! My baby belly has definitely grown a lot in the last week or two. In fact, the other night the babies were moving all around and it felt like they were trying to change positions. This process was so uncomfortable that i could not sleep on either of my sides and barely got any rest at all. Then yesterday Andy noticed that my belly was lopsided. Is it possible that both babies have taken residence on my left side? How strange!

This past weekend we started the registry process at Babies R Us. I thought i was well prepared in that i had printed the "must haves" list ahead of time and tweaked it to fit our needs. I had also written notes on the paper about certain brands and products that had been recommended by my mommy friends. BUT when we got to the store it was just overwhelming and Andy was floored at the cost of the majority of the products. We did find beautiful furniture for the nursery and while it costs more than we had originally intended to spend, we are going to take advantage of the 20% off sale and go for it. So we did get some stuff accomplished and at least now i can add and delete registry items online. One day i imagine we'll venture back to that store.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I Caved In...

and bought some adorable baby clothes!

Today Cristina and i went to the Carters outlet in Reading and we found summer clothes on clearance for $3.99 each. After a lot of browsing and pondering about sizes we finally decided on 3 outfits for each baby in size 6 months :) Now in my defense, the reason i went into Carters was to purchase some preemie outfits but as it turned out they were pretty much full price and i couldn't bring myself to pay $17 per outfit. I'm hoping to catch a sale at Penneys or something to stock up on the preemie stuff since several MOM's have recommended having at least 12 preemie outfits on hand.

In other news, i am up about 14 pounds at 19 weeks, 4 days. While it is still far from my goal of 20 lbs by 20 weeks, i am still pretty excited that i have managed to gain this much. Let the eating continue...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Daddy's New TV

Tonight Daddy's new television was delivered. He said it felt like Christmas. It is strange to think that these two little ones will be our real Christmas presents this year and what wonderful presents they will be! Another fun thing happened while Daddy was playing with this new toy- he was able to feel his son move for the first time. A new toy and baby B flutters...what more could you ask for? It has been at least a week since Andy started feeling our little girl move but this little guy has been stubborn. I'm guessing it is because he has been positioned a little lower on my left side these last few days.

19 weeks!!!!

It is so strange to think that we are halfway through this pregnancy. It is like the time has gone slowly but quickly at the same time. We definitely have a lot to do before they arrive but we're getting started on choosing items for the nursery this weekend. I can definitely feel my nesting instinct starting to kick in. It seems like i have been feeling better this last week so i have my fingers crossed that i have a few good weeks to be productive before i reach the "i'm too uncomfortable to eat, sleep and function" phase which i hear is around 25/26 weeks with multiples.

This past weekend i took a trip to delaware to visit the family. Mom and i went shopping and she bought the first outfits for her grandchildren. She wanted to hold onto them for a little while to savor their cuteness. We were both very excited about the purchases. I have yet to buy anything but i'm sure i'll cave soon with all of these clearance sales going on...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stranger Danger

I almost forgot that yesterday i had my first stranger inquire about my pregnancy. I was at Panera trying to figure out which kind of bagel to order and the cashier said: "So when are you due?". It actually took me a second to realize that she was talking to me. I then explained that i was due in January. When she continued to look at my belly i felt the need to tell her that i was having twins. Afterall, i didn't want her to walk away thinking that i had the largest singleton pregnant belly ever!

Does this mean that my first stranger belly pat is right around the corner???

Baby A is a mover and a shaker!

Our little princess has been very active! i have felt her and the little man fluttering around for a few weeks now but Andy had been looking forward to being able to feel even the tiniest of movements. Well... last night when i was lying on my left side on the couch I noticed that i was able to feel her moving on the outside of my stomach. I called Andy and he was actually able to feel her a couple of times! What a proud papa!

IT'S A....

BOY and a GIRL!!!! I cannot believe we are having one of each.

Both babies did well at the u/s (17 weeks, 2 days). They were positioned head to butt so in order to get the "money shots" they showed us one baby's head and we were able to look through the other baby's legs. Right now Baby A is our little girl and she is on my right side and Baby B, our little boy, is a little higher on my left. Soon they will be moving around more and most likely will change position. I'm definitely feeling more flutters from Baby A than Baby B. Maybe the little boy is going to be more laid back like his daddy :)

We are so excited to have the best of both worlds that I just sit back and think about how lucky we are :)

BTW- i'm so sorry that it took me this long to post the BIG NEWS but somehow i managed to come down with a stomach virus the day after we found out about the babies. It definitely took a lot out of me and being sick on top of being pregnant was not fun. I'm doing ok now but am trying to gain back some of the weight that i lost during those few days.