Wednesday, September 24, 2008

24/25 Week Update

Check out the 24 week pic and and nursery progress...

I hit the 25 weeks mark on Monday (9/22/08 lower pics) which meant another round of OB and specialist appointments. When I met with the OB I found out that i had gained another 5 lbs in the span of 2 weeks (whoo hoo!) and that i'm measuring 33 weeks along. The doctor told me that I'm in a critical window right now and that it is very important to take things easy so I can avoid pre term labor.

Then yesterday Andy and I went to see the specialist for a growth check. They do this by taking measurements of the babies heads, stomachs, leg bones etc. using the ultrasound and then plugging them into a formula of some sort. Watching the babies move around is so special. I would watch them all day long if i didn't have to lye on my back while doing so, which is very uncomfortable these days. They certainly are looking like babies these days. We even got to see the little girl blink her eyes and both of them open and close their mouths. Our little boy put his hand up to the membrane like he was waving at us and giving us a peace sign while we were checking out his sister. How cute! They are still positioned the same- Baby A (boy) is head down and Baby B (girl) is breech but the doctors say that she very easily could turn around as we get further along. So...are you ready for their measurements??? Both babies weigh 1 lb, 10 oz. which puts them in the 40th and the 43rd percentiles. According to the doctor this is perfect for twins. It felt so good to hear that they were doing well and that all of my hard work eating and resting had paid off so far :) Only 10-13 more weeks to go...

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