Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cottage cheese..Are you kidding me?

So i finally got an appointment last week ( ) with the nutritionist. She was very sweet and actually had boy/girl twins about 9 years ago. She read my food diary, answered a few questions and offered a few foods for me to add to my diet. Then she basically told me that I was doing everything right for these babies and that i should keep up the good work!

Today i tried to psych myself up to eat the cottage cheese that she recommended but i have to say that i still think it is yucky. You hear that, babies?!? Mommy is going to eat this stuff just for you two so that you can grow big and strong and stay in there until at least 36 weeks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Meg, I didn't like cottage cheese until I was your age. Now I love it. I eat plain cottage cheese w/ black pepper on it or chive cottage cheese. I suggest you try different additives (e.g., pineapple) until you get it right.