Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We're having a boy and WHAT?!?

Yesterday andy, mom and i went to the MFM specialist to have the big u/s done. Everything was going well until the tech said: "What did they say you were having?". I looked at her and said: "A boy and a girl but there are two boys in there, aren't there?". She said: "Yes!". We were all completely shocked! I started thinking about all of the girlie items that we had just added to our registries. Mom was worried about the girl clothes that we had bought. Andy was rather quiet. The ironic part was that at lunch a few hours earlier i had told mom that i was worried that at our last u/s the tech may not have seen the boy parts and i had a feeling that they were going to tell me that the little girl was really a boy. Everything ended well a few minutes later when the tech apologized profusely and told us that the baby was indeed a little girl AND later the specialist said that she was indeed a she.

The exam took about 45 minutes for each baby. WE all had a difficult time seeing all of the parts once she zoomed the camera in but we did see everything from femur bones to hearts to noses. It was really cool and amazing! Our little girl is still on my right side and is breech. She is the one who has been kicking me very low. Baby A, our little boy is on my left side and is positioned head down. He has been kicking me around my belly button the last few days.

Then the doctor came in and told us that everything was perfect. He said that our babies were doing well and were in the 38th percentile for weight which was great. When he took a look for himself he informed us that our little girl loved the camera and was practically posing whereas our little boy kept moving away and putting his hand up so as to say: "leave me alone!".

I go back to the specialist in 4 weeks for an u/s and growth check. Keep growing little ones! Keep growing!!!!

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