Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh no!

I bought more baby clothes! Once again i was looking for preemie clothes and ended up with outfits for next summer. In my defense i got three outfits at Kohls for the low price of $10 total. Oh well...i suppose i'll purchase preemie outfits one of these days...right?

Today i also had to take my gestational diabetes test which consisted of drinking this nasty orange drink in 5 minutes and then waiting around to have my blood taken after about an hour. So i sat with all of the old people and waited...and waited.. I enjoyed my time, though, because our little boy was kicking away. I always thought the babies would be active around the same time of day but it almost seems as if they are on completely opposite schedules. Fingers crossed that we can get them on a similar schedule once they are born. heh.

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