Tuesday, August 26, 2008

20 Week OB Appointment and Babymoon

The mommy and daddy-to-be chilling down the shore

Last Friday (8/22/08) i went to the OB and found out that i failed the GD test by 2 points which means that i now have to go for the 3 hour test. uggh. We're keeping our fingers crossed that i will pass it because otherwise i will have to give up my boost protein shakes and i believe they have helped me to gain a lot of my weight over the last few weeks.

The OB said that i'm measuring 26 weeks (see pics above) which is perfect considering i should measure 6 weeks ahead with twins. He also said: "um...if you have anything that you want to get done you need to do it in the next few weeks before you get very uncomfortable". Hey, at least he is honest! He found both babies heart rates easily and said that our little girl's is in the 140 range and the boy is around 150.

According to the scale at the doctor's office, i gained another 6 lbs this month. whoo hoo!!! The nurse chuckled when i got excited about the number. heh.

The only other news from my appointment is that I now get the joy of going to the OB every 2 weeks. Fun, fun!

After my appointment we headed down to Sea Isle for a little Babymoon. It was nice to visit with Aunt Terrie and Uncle Milt. I didn't have much energy but we did manage to relax on the beach and make our rounds to some yummy restaurants. It is so strange to think that the next time we're down the shore we will have two little ones with us.

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