Monday, August 18, 2008

20 Weeks and BRU Adventure

20 weeks today! Whoo hoo!!! My baby belly has definitely grown a lot in the last week or two. In fact, the other night the babies were moving all around and it felt like they were trying to change positions. This process was so uncomfortable that i could not sleep on either of my sides and barely got any rest at all. Then yesterday Andy noticed that my belly was lopsided. Is it possible that both babies have taken residence on my left side? How strange!

This past weekend we started the registry process at Babies R Us. I thought i was well prepared in that i had printed the "must haves" list ahead of time and tweaked it to fit our needs. I had also written notes on the paper about certain brands and products that had been recommended by my mommy friends. BUT when we got to the store it was just overwhelming and Andy was floored at the cost of the majority of the products. We did find beautiful furniture for the nursery and while it costs more than we had originally intended to spend, we are going to take advantage of the 20% off sale and go for it. So we did get some stuff accomplished and at least now i can add and delete registry items online. One day i imagine we'll venture back to that store.

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