Monday, November 3, 2008

Gestational Diabetes Take Two...

Yup, i had to take the GD screening test again the week of October 13, 2008 and unfortunately i completely bombed it with a 185. When I went to the OB the following week, she told me it was time to take the 3 hour test again. I kindly declined and said that i would rather take the GD classes to learn how to take my blood sugar and change my diet for the next 8-10 weeks. I was very glad that i stood up for myself because when i called the nutritionist to share the info with her she said: "You didn't hear this from me but you wouldn't pass the 3 hour with that number!". A few days later i took the class and of course the only other lady in the class could not speak english so it took hours and hours. arg. Oh least the dietician wrote my meal plan so that i could still eat a lot of food to help these babies grow and my blood sugar levels have been excellent.

This was also (finally!) the week that Andy got to wear the baby belly at child birth class. The instructor commented that she had no way to make it feel like he was carrying twins but at least he got a little taste of what it feels like to be carrying around all of this extra weight. He has commented several times about how i have gained about a third of my pre pregnancy weight and has been very accommodating in helping me get up off the couch.

Oh and check out my Two Peas in a Pod t-shirt in the picture below :)

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