Monday, November 10, 2008

32 Weeks Along...

Today i went to the OB for my first stress test and u/s to measure the amniotic fluid around each of the babies. We got a very good report-- both babies are doing well and there is plenty of fluid around both of them. The u/s tech actually told me that the little boy's head was lower than the girl's feet. Don't ask me what this means because between the doctors and specialists i am still thoroughly confused about if the babies can actually move around and switch which one is presenting first. The OB did say that if the boy's head is consistently lower than i still have a good chance at a vaginal delivery. whoo hoo!!! I think the stress test stressed the nurse out more than anything. Apparently our little man was happy sleeping and then when she stimulated him he decided to "run" from her and all of the technology. Basically she had to keep moving the probe on my stomach for 15 minutes or so and she still didn't get much info on him. While she did this my job was to push this little button every time i felt the babies move. The third belt on my belly measured contractions and while there were a few small ones the nurse and doctor both said that it was totally normal at this point. The doctor also told me that if i were to go into labor at this point that he would try to stop it but only up to 34 weeks. Yup, folks...that means the babies could be here anytime BUT we want them to stay in there for as long as possible. Just make sure to remind me of that as i get bigger and bigger.

Speaking of getting bigger and bigger...I am now up around 35 lbs and these last few days I have really started to feel like i'm dragging. Now, don't get me wrong, I have been taking it easy during the entire pregnancy but now i am extremely uncomfortable and the couch has become my best friend. Oh the joys of being pregnant with twins. It'll all be worth it when we have two healthy babies, though :)

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