Monday, November 3, 2008

Caution: Babies Fighting for Prime Position

On October we went to our monthly appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine. They did an u/s to measure the babies and they are still both around the 40th percentile and weighing in at 2 lbs 11 oz and 2 lbs 13 oz. Our little girl was kicking away during the u/s! Sometimes i think she kicks her brother's head all day long. Poor little guy! The sonographer told us that she thought that the little girl's feet were lower than her brother's head making her Baby A. While i did not want to hear that because she is still breech, I did look at andy and say: "See? I kept swearing that her little foot would pop out first!" because she kicks me so low. After an internal u/s we found out that indeed the little girl is Baby A which means that if she does not turn then I will be forced to have a scheduled C-section. It was difficult to hear because we were hoping for a vaginal birth but I keep reminding myself that we just want the babies to get here safely and to be healthy.

This week was also our last Child Birth Class complete with a tour of the hospital. It was a nice idea but unfortunately we did not get to see where I will be since i'm considered "high risk". We did check out the tiny infant beds and the instructor said that both babies could stay in there together in our room provided that everyone was healthy. I can't believe that they will both fit in such a small space.

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