Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Baby, Baby and More Baby Activities...

This past week has been completely devoted to preparing for the arrival of our little ones. On Tuesday (9/30), we attended a course on Breastfeeding. It was taught by one of the Lactation Consultants at the hospital. We had a good chuckle when we walked in and she asked when i was due. I barely got "January...but" out of my mouth and she goes: "There must be two in there! You look like you're measuring a good 34 weeks!". Then you thursday (10/2), i forced myself to go to the child birth class by myself since Andy was in NYC on business. I felt a little out of place but definitely enjoyed watching the men wear the pregnancy suit complete with boobs and belly. Before they put the suit on, the instructor made them take a few deep breaths and she put a tight velcro thing around the top of their chests. She then allowed each wife to choose an activity for her husband to do while suited up. It was pretty amusing and the best part is that not all of the husbands had their chance to participate yet so i'm guessing that means Andy will have a turn. I've been thinking about what activity to make him do and i will definitely make sure to bring the camera with me so stay tuned for a picture of andy in the suit. he he.

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